Meet New People Every Time

Our Patented process ensures returning attendees always meet new people

We know how important it is for you to meet new people every time you attend one of our events so we’ve actually Patented a process to help maximize the experience of people like you who have attended our events before.

How Does It Work?

We can consistently ensure that you meet new people every time you attend one of our Pre-Dating® events by permitting instant registration of either men who have attended before OR women who have attended before, but not both (since there’s a possibility they may have met before). Of course, both genders may register as usual if they have not attended before.

For each event, we have set instant registration to the gender shown in green on the Event Information page for your area. We alternate the “returning gender” from time to time so that each gender has a chance to return. The frequency of each returning gender is dependent upon trends in the local market.

What do I look for?

If you’ve attended before, simply check the Event Information page for your area. This is the page that lists current and future events. Look for the line that says:

For Past Attendees Only:
Returning Gender1 may register instantly for this event.
Returning Gender2 must join Standby List.

If you have attended before and your gender is shown in green, then just register as normal. If your gender is listed in red text, then you can either join the Standby List for this event and tell us the max # of people you are willing to meet again or wait until the next event where it will be your gender’s turn to be instantly registered.

What does this mean to me?

Although it may be a bit disappointing if you are not instantly registered this time, we think you’ll agree that it’s even more disappointing to not meet new people or to worry about running into others that you have met before. We believe that this process will virtually eliminate these concerns and you will meet all new people at each and every event you attend! Pretty neat, eh?

What’s The Likelihood Of Me Getting IN If I Join The Standby List?

Well, we know it’s zero if you don’t join the Standby list. So if you want to attend we recommend signing up for it. The odds vary based on a number of factors but we can say many people on Standby have gotten in. After all, you are our past customers so we try our best to accommodate you. Your odds increase if you say you are open to meeting 2 or 3 people who you have already met in a past event. However, keep in mind we may not be in touch until the day of the event and sometimes not at all, regarding your Standby List status, although we try to let you know ASAP. Our software will check to see if each person on the Standby List has previously met anyone else who has registered for this event. If the number of people registered that you have met before is less than the maximum you are willing to meet again, you will remain eligible to attend. So long as the event isn’t full, we will contact you to complete your registration (in an expedited process, you will not need to fill out the registration form again so long as you provided us with your billing address). If the system sees that you have previously met more then your maximum tolerance, we will not ask you to register thereby saving you time.

Great…Now what do I do?

Complete the Standby List form. You will need to select your event and enter your contact information. This is basically the same as your normal registration process except we will get payment info later if necessary. It’s just that simple!

Need further clarification about this new process? Contact us or click the button below to chat live with Pre-Dating Customer Service.