Newsletter | Pre-Dating Celebrates 15 Years in Business



November 2016


Sent to over 180,000 Single Professionals!

  • Q&A Forum From Singles Just Like You!
  • Pre-Dating Celebrates 15 Years in Business! 25% Off Customer Appreciation Month Sale!
  • Featured Client Review
  • Roy’s Relationship Corner- Special FREE Offer for Roy’s Dating Advice Website!
  • FREE Pre-Dating Teleseminar: “Dating, Sex, Relationships and Marriage- The Ultimate Q&A” with Michael Clarke and Roy Biancalana
  • Crazy Dating Fact of the Month
  • Quote of the Month


Pre-Dating Speed Dating 

Celebrates 15 Years In Business!

Take 25% Off Any Upcoming Speed Dating Event*

Use Promo Code CUST25 to save 25% off any upcoming Speed Dating Event!

Click Here to Find an Event in Your City!

*Offer valid until 11:59pm (EST) Saturday, Dec 31st, 2016.

Offer(s) Cannot be used towards any previously purchased registrations, and cannot be combined with any other offers. Offer is limited to one per person. Excludes Lock and Key Events.


Questions From Other Singles Like You

Wondering about Speed Dating events or how Pre-Dating does them? Maybe just a relationship question in general? Some other people did as well and here are their questions to us.

If you have a question, simply email us at [email protected] and if selected for our next Newsletter you’ll get a complimentary ticket to one of our events.


Hi Pre-Dating,

It’s the holiday season, and I find myself to be alone, again. I’m going on tons of first dates from people I meet online, but they are not leading to second dates. I just don’t know what I am doing wrong. 

Answer from Pre-Dating

Dear “Lonely in December“, 

Here’s the good news! It’s “Cuffing Season”! What is cuffing season, you ask? It’s a time when people tend to search for love just a little harder because it’s a time to be around someone you care about. The bad news- expectation vs. reality these days is one of the largest challenges singles face.

In a world of online dating, we tend to do our best to market ourselves in the best way possible, I mean, who wouldn’t? So, how do you overcome this? Have a friend or family member read your profile and offer changes, edits ect. to be sure that you are truly resembling you. This includes pictures. Update your pictures every 1-3 months so there are no surprises on date one.

The other challenge singles tend to face today is our over-exposure and tendency to follow the “grass is greener on the other side” theory. Basically meaning, we are all a little bit opportunistic by human nature. Because we have an abundance of ways to meet people now-a-days, whether it be Facebook, online dating, instagram, we’re incredibly exposed to new people daily.

So, my advice to you is to get off the internet! Meet people face-to-face in an environment that is comfortable and enjoyable to you. Maybe join a cycling club, or running club. There are a plethora of different groups in your area that fit interests you have. It might take some digging, and it may be nerve wracking at first, but if you surround yourself with people you have similar interests with, you’re likelihood of partnering is that much higher.


Greetings Pre-Dating,

How does one go about hosting one of your events? I am in a medium sized city, and we have a real need for these events! I am single myself, and know the challenges people face in this area. 

Answer from Pre-Dating

Dear “Potential MatchMaker”:

You’re exactly who we’re looking for! One of our main objectives when hiring a new coordinator in any city is knowing that the candidate understands the customers needs, and can empathize with the struggles, and fears local singles have!

As a coordinator, you must also be prepared to utilize social media marketing, be able to hit the town during happy hours to spread the word, and have a good sense of what works and doesn’t work to get the word out there. Pre-Dating’s goal has always been to deliver the highest quality events and customer service at an affordable price.

To get started, simply Click HERE to Become a Coordinator! and you will hear back from Sandy, our amazing HR Manager to get the ball rolling!

Roy’s Relationship Corner

“What Kind of Partner Are You?

Part 6: Are You Generous?

Are you ready for a real relationship? Though we all want to be in a great relationship, most of us haven’t thought about or devoted ourselves to a set of commitments or behaviors that form the foundation for authentic intimacy.

In my relationship coaching practice, I often work with my single clients on 10 different commitments that make them the kind of partner the opposite sex dreams of being with.

We have been discussing these 10 commitments in recent newsletters. (If you want past issues, please email me at [email protected] and I’ll send the entire series to you.)

In recent months, we’ve focused on Transparency, Monogamy, Neediness, Evolving and Curiosity. Here we talk about Generosity. It’s my hope that you’ll deeply consider each of these commitments and say to yourself, “This is the way I am going to function in my life.”

Commitment #6: Generosity

This commitment has 2 parts: Masculine generosity and Feminine Generosity:

Masculine: “I commit to giving the clarity of my consciousness and the strength of my presence to this relationship so that my partner may fully open to God.”

Feminine: “I commit to giving my radiant life force and my emotional sensitivity in this relationship so that my partner may fully open to God.”

The generosity I’m talking about here has nothing to do with anything physical, material or financial. This is about spiritual and emotional generosity. It’s about giving your essence, your deepest gift as either a Masculine or Feminine being.

The primary reason we seek intimacy is to experience a kind of energetic wholeness that can only come from our reciprocal opposite in relationship. Sexual attraction, or chemistry, is all about seeking this energetic wholeness and balance.

The masculine partner craves the radiant life force of the feminine so he can be rejuvenated and inspired to succeed in his quest for freedom. He needs her wild, passionate emotional energy to enliven his heart and ground him in his body.

The feminine partner craves the masculine’s clarity and presence so that she can fully relax, trust and surrender herself to love and life—not to mention her partner!

Your partner will choose you because you have what they’re lacking on the level of form. If you want to keep your romance alive, you must commit to giving your partner your masculine or feminine essence.

How you do that and what it looks like is far, far beyond what can be discussed in this newsletter. So the next paragraph applies now more than ever. Do what’s offered there!

This commitment is challenging, and it often creates a lot of questions. So if you want to discuss how to apply this commitment to your particular life situation, please reach out to me and take advantage of the FREE 30-minute coaching session I offer to anyone who wants to explore this or any issue that might be keeping them from attracting lasting love. You can reach me at [email protected] and be sure to visit my website at

Free Gift!

As a way of saying “thank you” for reading this blog post, Roy Biancalana would like to give you a powerful short report called, “The 7 Self-Sabotaging Behaviors That Keep You Single.” It’s absolutely FREE and you can get it now by clicking HERE.

FREE Dating Teleseminar

Dec. 6th, 2016

Dating, Sex, Relationships and Marriage- The Ultimate LIVE Dating Q&A

With Relationship Coaches, Roy Biancalana and Michael Clarke

Tuesday, Dec 6th, 2016

8:30PM EST


In this crazy new world of dating, we know you have tons of questions that need answering! So, we’re taking a different approach on this months Teleseminar, as we have realized that you, the audience, want to ask questions on an array of different subjects and topics! Instead of our typical 45 minute guest speaker presentation, this month-  Relationship Coach Roy Biancalana and Pre-Dating C.O.O., Michael Clarke will answer your questions directly through a constructive and informative seminar built to help you succeed in finding a lasting, emotionally and physically fulfilling relationship.

What you need to do to be fully prepared:

  • Write down a few questions that you would like to have answered, no questions are off the table!
  • Bring an open-mind
  • And that’s it!


About Our Speakers 



Roy Biancalana: is known as “The Intimacy Guru,” and is a nationally recognized leader in the field of attraction, intimacy and conscious relationships. He appears regularly on Fox35 TV in Orlando, FL as their relationship expert and is the author of the book, “A Drink with Legs” sold worldwide.


Roy is a certified relationship coach, spiritual teacher and was a PGA Tour player. His passion is working with men and women who are committed to awakening to their true spiritual nature and experiencing the love life they most desire. He specializes in supporting single people in attracting the love of their lives and also helping those who are in committed partnerships experience a deeper level of intimacy. He has clients all over the world and coaches by phone, Skype or in person.



Michael Clarke: has been working with singles over the last 9 years on both the business end of two of the largest singles companies in the world as well as one-on-one through his coaching business. Michael’s main focus within his coaching is to help people absolve any past relationship struggles, and to help his clients turn their focus on themselves and how to be the very best person they can be before stepping back out into the dating scene.


Michael has been interviewed on dozens of radio stations, including “Date Therapy with Dr. Tranquility”, “The Dating Jungle Live” with Tara Richter, as well as Tampa Bay’s Fox News, and many others.


  • Deep discounts on Pre-Dating Speed Dating Events
  • 30 minute Free Coaching Session with Roy Biancalana
  • Raffle for Free Dating Events
  • Raffle for 1 of 5 Free Books from Roy Biancalana
  • …Plus more! 

Tuesday, Dec 6th, 2016

8:30PM EST


To Check Out a Speed Dating Event Near You Simply Visit



You are receiving this Newsletter because you have either been to or registered for a Pre-Dating Speed Dating (formerly event in the past, have requested and currently receive our twice monthly event schedule notifications for your city, or have interacted with one of our Event Coordinators at a networking event, trade show, etc. and requested to be kept in the loop. We only send emails to those who request them (what’s the value of sending stuff to people who never asked for it anyway?). If you no longer wish to receive our emails, follow the instructions below. Keep in mind by opting out of our National Newsletter, you also opt out of our local singles event schedule email notifications.




FREE Dating Teleseminar

Dec. 6th, 2016

“Dating, Sex, Relationships and Marriage- The Ultimate Q&A”

With Relationship Coaches, Roy Biancalana, and Michael Clarke

Tues., Dec 6th, 2016 at 8:30PM EST

– Free-


What you need to do to be fully prepared:

  • Write down a few questions that you would like to have answered, no questions are off the table!
  • Bring an open-mind
  • And that’s it!


Featured Testimonial

“Hi Michael,

I’m actually in a relationship with the man I met at your speed dating event in April. We’ve been together ever since. Is there somewhere we can submit a success story?”

(Tampa, FL, November 2016)  

To Check Out a Speed Dating Event Near You Simply Visit



Pre-Dating Speed Dating Is Expanding!

With the recent addtiions of Sarah in Gainesville, FL, Chonita in Harrisburg, PA, Dana in Central New Jersey, and Negia in Fort Lauderdale, We are in over 90 cities in the US and Canada!

Are you the “Event Planner” in your group of friends, or, maybe you’ve got the special “Matchmaker” side of you that helps get people together?

If so, we’re looking for YOU! 

Click HERE to Become a Coordinator! 

We are currently hiring new Event Coordinators in many cities including:

Portland, OR

Minneapolis, MN

Phoenix, AZ

Washington, DC

..And Many more!


“If you kiss on the first date and it’s not right, then there will be no second date. Sometimes it’s better to hold out and not kiss for a long time. I am a strong believer in kissing being very intimate, and the minute you kiss, the floodgates open for everything else.”

-Jennifer Lopez (Singer/ Actress)


Four common date blunders include showing up late, talking about yourself too much, revealing too much about your ex, and an obvious over-eagerness.


About Pre-Dating

Pre-Dating Speed Dating is the world’s largest Speed Dating service for busy single professionals with monthly events in over 90 cities. If you have a busy life and don’t have time to meet new people, don’t like to date clients or co-workers, and are not interested in the bar scene then try Pre-Dating Speed Dating.

Contact Us

National Customer Service Loyalty Team

Email: [email protected]

Phone:1-877-iPreDate (877-477-3328)

Hours: Open 7 Days a Week!

Monday-Thursday: 9AM-10PM (EST)

Friday: 9AM-5PM (EST)

Saturday: 10AM-2PM (EST)

Sunday: 3PM-6PM (EST)

Follow us on FacebookTwitter and YouTube!


To Check Out a Speed Dating Event Near You Simply Visit:

