Speed-Dating Success Stories

We’ve Helped Thousands of Singles Meet Their Match! As One of Our Customers Said, “If it weren’t for Pre-Dating, we probably would never have crossed paths.”

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Brenda, Age 47, Las Vegas, NV
Finding love at a Pre-Dating event is actually possible
In April, a co-worker went to a Pre-Dating event and had a blast. She came to work the next day and right away started her campaign to get me to an event. Even though dodging Cupid had become an artform for me, I quickly conformed and registered for the next event which was on June 10. Meeting different people is always enjoyable, as it was that evening, but I knew I wanted to see Keith again and get to know more than 6 minutes worth of him. Even though I matched with two gentlemen, after my first date with Keith, I didn't want to date anyone else. It has been a wonderful six months and Keith and I continue to learn and love more about each other. Finding love at a Pre-Dating event is actually possible and I am so thankful that I looked past what I thought was hopeless and found endless hope. Thank you for letting me share my story.
Dan and Peg, Orlando, FL
Thanks Pre-Dating!
I heard about Pre-Dating from a local business networking group in Orlando appropriately enough, called Orlando Connections. I had just joined to meet more people in Orlando and hopefully be more successful in finding quality people to date. Pre-Dating was a brand new thing in the Orlando area and the concept was, if nothing else, very interesting. So I signed up online for the inaugural event. The evening was indeed interesting and I met women that night that were attractive, interesting, and looking for the same thing - a quality dating partner. At the end of the evening I selected three potential matches. The next day I received word that I had one match. And what a match it has turned out to be. Peg and I had our first date two weeks later (we were both quite busy) on March 6, 2002. After our fourth date it was obvious to both of us that we had something special. We started seeing each other as much as our schedule would allow. On our four-month anniversary of our first date we decided to live together. We just celebrated our six-month anniversary and we could not be happier. We both envision a future that includes matrimony. It's just a matter of time. Thanks Pre-Dating!
Jeanne, Baltimore, MD
I will most definitely recommend this new concept of dating to my single friends.
I'm a 35 (still) single female thinking that perhaps it is true that "all the good guys are taken." My friend told me about Pre-Dating, so I looked into it and thought I had nothing to lose. Not truly thinking I was going to meet the most incredible man of my life, though lo' and behold, guess what?? I went with no expectations, which was a good thing. In the past, I would go to single functions, expecting to meet someone, only to be disappointed with the selection (or lack thereof) of men in attendance. Fast forward two months and over a 1/2 dozen incredible dates, I can honestly say I'm grateful for the Pre-Dating event. The man that I "connected with" is good-looking, kind, gentle, considerate, compassionate, honest, and great fun (I could go on). I will most definitely recommend this new concept of dating to my single friends. Thank you for making my life so much happier and more fulfilling.
Crystal, Oklahoma City (OK) - met my husband at Pre-Dating
The format was great, so relaxed and low-pressure
In March I went to my first Pre-Dating event in Oklahoma City, and before the night was over, I'd met my husband, Steve. The format was great, so relaxed and low-pressure, and the next day, I received an email with four matches. That Friday, I had the best ever first date with Steve, and the next night, we both had dates with other people we'd met at the event that just didn't measure up. It was all amazing from that point, when less than three months later, we were engaged, and on September 25, we were married in Jamaica. We just celebrated our first anniversary, and we both agree it was the best $$ we'd ever spent! We're now your biggest supporters, and a friend we recently talked into going "Pre-Dating" is now having similar success. I'd spent years looking on my own, just to find I only really needed 6 minutes. Thanks!
Diane and Todd, Orlando, FL
I am SO glad I decided to stay that night!
I am writing to tell you of how I met someone wonderful through a Pre-Dating event. I attended an event in late April. I had heard of the event through my neighbor. I signed up early in April, excited at the prospect of meeting some new men. The night of the event, I got cold feet; I almost left before the event started. My friend talked me into staying. The night progressed and I ended up meeting 11 guys. Todd was the last guy I met. Our "6 minute pre-date" went well; well enough for me to put a "yes" next to his name and for him to put a "yes" next to mine. We went on our first date Sat. May 4 and have been together ever since. We just passed the 4 month mark. I am SO glad I decided to stay that night! I ended up meeting a wonderful man that I now share most of my time with. Thanks Pre-Dating!
Bill and Stephanie, Kansas City, MO, Engaged in July
We had an instant connection during that first 6 minutes
We met at a "speed dating" event on the plaza. Speed dating is when you spend one night talking to 10-12 different people for 6 minutes each. We believe it was fate that we met, because several things had to be overcome for us to even be at the event. We had an instant connection during that first 6 minutes of conversation and luckily, we both decided that we wanted to see each other again. The next day, after getting our list of matches (you only get contact info if you both want to talk again), we were in contact by email. Two days later, we had our first date, and were hot and heavy from there on out. WHEN WE GOT ENGAGED July 26. HOW IT HAPPENED True to his romantic nature, Bill had a detailed plan for his proposal. He wanted to make it a novel event so Steph would remember it for all time. After a few weeks of deliberation, he came up with a plan... Steph's mom, Kathie, was a co-conspirator, and made sure Steph was around at the appropriate time. He had a dozen roses delivered to the house, and the card told her to check the KC Star's classified section. She immediately took off and went to the nearest gas station and found a newspaper. The ad in the classifieds gave her a message that only she could understand. It read " Steph, meet me in the cubby where we fell deep on that blustery night". She immediately knew what Bill meant and headed down where they had their third date... in downtown Kansas City. (They spent a several hours in there during the first real snowstorm of the year. The plaza was essentially abandoned. After searching several blocks they found only one place open. It turned out to be the perfect place to fall in love as they sipped hot cocoa and weathered the storm.) Bill was waiting inside at the same table where they had that storybook date, and after a slightly dirty/beer smelling right knee came off the floor, the rest was history!
Jeff & Teresa, Married September 24, 2005, Oklahoma City (OK)
She is truly my “Match.”
Our Pre-Dating Success Story Her Story: I was ready for someone to share my life with after having been widowed for about five years. I registered online for the October 2004 Pre-Dating Event and went with a friend. I met a lot of very nice men, but no one that I really connected with that night. The holidays came and went and in the new year, I decided that I would register again for an event. I thought it was rather mean to hold it the day after Valentine’s Day, but registered anyway! I met a very nice man downstairs before the event and was excited when he was the first person at my table! We talked for our six minutes and I knew I wanted to talk with him more. Although I met other men that night, I didn’t connect with anyone like I did with #10 – Jeff. The next morning I received my email - Jeff was a match! We spoke by phone and emailed before meeting for dinner the next week. We were soon talking by phone or email every day and I knew I wanted us to spend our lives together. I feel so blessed to have met Jeff and to have him in my life. His Story: I made a New Year’s resolution to “Get a Life.” Didn’t really want a “girlfriend” and for sure not a “wife,” just someone talk to outside of work besides my cat. Didn’t think about it for a while then one morning before leaving for work, one of the local television stations had an interview with someone from Pre-Dating Events. I though “why not” and got on the computer and registered. How appropriate that the event was scheduled for the day after Valentines Day! The evening was something that I never thought I could or would do, but I’m sure glad I did. The first six minutes was spent with this one person that really left an impression on me. The other nine people I spent six minutes each with were ok, but my mind kept thinking of that Number Ten. The next morning I got my Pre-Dating Match e-mail. There it was…..Number Ten…..Teresa!!!!! We had our first date the following week at an Italian restaurant and afterwards decided to make plans for a second. The second date was two weeks later; we went to her pecan orchard with her two kids and picked up sticks! After many dates later, I decided that I wanted to be with her always and forever. I went to Pre-Dating looking for a friend, got something better, a wife who is a friend. She is truly my “Match.”
Holly, Age 32 inPortland, OR
I am a Pre-Dating believer!
Dear Pre-Dating, Yes, I am living proof of your success! Back in the spring, after living in Portland for about a year and not having much success in the social scene, I decided to try "speed dating." I went to one of those "other" speed dating services (the one with "8" in the name) and just wasn't very happy with it -- it was TOO similar to the bar scene. Then, a friend told me about Pre-Dating and I checked it out. I appreciated the group size and the fact that I got a chance to meet every guy there. And frankly, I thought the guys were much more impressive than those I had met at the other event. I had two matches from my first Pre-Dating event and met some really nice guys, but the "spark" wasn't there. Luckily, I'd had such a good experience that I decided to try it again. This time I had four matches, and when I went out on my "real" date with the second guy, Matt, I knew I had hit the jackpot! (In fact, I cancelled my dates with the other two matches... sorry guys!) We have now been dating for more than 6 months, and I couldn't be happier! It's hard to meet people, especially when you're new to town. And let's face it... blind dates can really be uncomfortable if you know within the first 6 minutes that you have nothing in common, and yet you feel obligated to spend 2 hours (or more!) to finish up the date. I am a Pre-Dating believer!
Houston, TX - Married March 2004!
Since each of us are very busy, it was difficult to meet the right person
On April 17, 2003, Karen and I both attended a Pre-Dating speed dating session at the Sky Bar. Since each of us are very busy in our careers, it was difficult to meet the right person and friends and family recommended that we try speed dating. So we did. That night we both arrived early and just started talking prior to the Pre-Dating event taking place. So I guess you could say we cheated a little. We had a longer date rather than just a 6 minute date. But in all fairness, we only got each other's information having picked one another during the event. Karen and I dated for a couple of months before I popped the question, and were married March 13, 2004. Little did I know that I would meet someone at Pre-Dating and be getting married to her in less than a year. This past year has been the best of my life, and just to think if either one of us did not attend that night we would probably still be alone not having met that one person that has been made just for us. Thanks Pre-Dating!
Annie, Minneapolis (MN)
“you mean that thing they did in the movie ‘Hitch’?”
I met a wonderful man through your service in May. Before May, I tried online personal sites, blind dates, and bars which had left me discouraged and frustrated. I didn't give Pre-Dating a lot of hope before I got there, but I thought that it didn't hurt to try it. I couldn't have been more wrong. It was a comfortable, fun experience in which I met an exceptional person that I doubt I would have met using any of the previous methods I tried. I have frequently said that the way everything just worked out must have been fate. When Matthew and I tell our story to our friends and family, we always get the question about Pre-Dating, "you mean that thing they did in the movie "Hitch"?" We always laugh and express what a good experience it was for both of us. I want to thank you for putting on these events because there aren't many places to meet professionals in a no-pressure environment. It can be really frustrating to try to meet someone special when you spend so much of your time working. Pre-Dating gives you the opportunity to meet many people in a short period of time. Even if you don't meet someone, you aren't forced to have the uncomfortable good-bye that follows so many individual dates. It was such a relief to know that everyone there was in the same boat as I was. My life has forever changed thanks to Pre-Dating. I feel so lucky to have met Matthew. Going to your event was one of the best things I have ever done. Thank you for all you do.
Kelli, Philadelphia (PA)
the guy I met there turned out to be my true soulmate!
I went to only one of your events last January in New Hope, PA and the guy I met there turned out to be my true soulmate! Anthony and I got engaged this past June and are planning a wedding for August 14! It's a great story too because after I met him at your event I ended up moving back to Utah because I had just graduated college there and was still considering living there. Throughout the winter, Anthony and I talked on the phone a LOT. He would send me packages with Tastykakes in them to give me a bit of my home state and I would send him pictures of me skiing and snow-shoeing in Utah! After months of job searching and still not landing a job in my career, I realized Utah wasn't the place meant for me. I moved back to PA in April and found a great job as a proposal writer only six weeks after being home! Plus, Anthony and I continued our growing relationship... but this time we were living within driving distance! Now we are so happy and excited to be planning our future together. Thanks so much!
Monica and Darryl, Orange County, CA
Pre-Dating is the way to go if you are looking for an easy way to meet quality, relationship-minded people in a fun and low stress atmosphere.
In May 2003 I finally decided to bite the bullet and try Pre-Dating. I had read about speed dating concept in the OC Register a few months before, but never got around to doing anything about it. I finally went to your website and signed up for the next scheduled "age 29-39" event. I didn't really know what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was and at the quality and diversity of the men that I met. No one was more surprised than I was when I met the most wonderful man at that first event. It was his first time at Pre-Dating as well. We hit it off immediately and continued to talk at the halfway break after our 6 minutes were up. Darryl and I have been together ever since and are now shopping for engagement rings. This last year together has been the best of our lives and we still can't believe that we met through a Pre-Dating service. We have so much in common, yet would never have met if we hadn't gone that night. I have recommended you to all my single friends and coworkers. Pre-Dating is the way to go if you are looking for an easy way to meet quality, relationship-minded people in a fun and low stress atmosphere. Thank you Pre-Dating
Chris, Pittsburgh (PA)
we will never forget our Pre-Dating experience!
ELLEN: I met Chris at a Pre-Dating event on April 22. Our first official date was May 5. Though it started off slow...we only dated once every few weeks due to my busy schedule, I completely fell for him after our first kiss...4 dates later! He is everything I have always wanted: romantic, funny, sweet, caring. We are physically and emotionally connected. The good news is after a year of dating, we just got engaged on a romantic beach in St. Maarten!! We are planning to get married on May 6, and are so excited! Thanks, Pre-Dating!!!!!!! CHRIS: I attended my first Pre-Dating event in April. I made a match at this event and we went on a date shortly afterword. We both attended another event in May and matched again... even though we were in different groups that night. 😉 We have been dating ever since. Recently we went on a vacation cruise together. I proposed to Ellen on a beach in St. Maarten and she said "Yes"! We plan to be married in May and we will never forget our Pre-Dating experience! Thanks for the match, and the memories!
Cindy M. and Ben P. San Diego (CA)
I had no idea that my life would change forever
We wanted to share our Pre-Dating success story with you. Every time we tell someone how we met, people always smile and say how great of a story it is so... Here it goes. On March 23 I had the opportunity to accompany my friend for a night of Pre-Dating. I had never tried Pre-Dating before but I figured why not? What do I have to lose? The setting was intimate and relaxing. The place was full of single hopefuls in search of that special someone. I had no idea that my life would change forever after that fateful night. During the break I happened to walk past a table where a nice and tall gentleman was standing with his friend whom I had the pleasure of already "Pre-Dating". They both smiled and we engaged in friendly conversation. I was immediately taken to Ben, the tall gentleman wearing the number "13". There was something about him. I couldn't wait to talk with him one-on one. This was the perfect setting for that. The break soon ended and we took our respective seats for the remainder of the event. When Ben sat down for us to formally meet, I couldn't help but say, hey lucky 13! He laughed and agreed. We had the opportunity in the few minutes we were given to establish a lasting impression on each other. We knew we would see each other again. It was as instant as that. Sure enough, we went out that very same weekend and had an amazing time. After 6 months, we are still together and very much in love. We owe it all to Pre-Dating! Pre-Dating was different than the others as there was no pressure and the environment was casual and fun. Thanks Pre-Dating!!!
Cindy, Jacksonville (FL)
I thought about 90% were people I could see being friends with.
I attended only one of the Pre-Dating events, begrudgingly I must add. I had been divorced for three years and while I had dated a lot, I found it to be very different from my memory of dating from the 11 years earlier before I was married. I did not find it hard to meet people to date, I found it hard to meet the caliber of person I was looking for. A friend of mine found it hard to meet people and convinced me to go with him as moral support. After agreeing to an exit plan in case the event was horrible (it wasn't!!, ) I went along. I noticed Frank sitting on the couch in Sterlings almost immediately and we talked for a minute before the event even started. The whole event was enjoyable to me. I found all the people I talked to highly interesting and even though they were not all particularly what I was looking for, I thought about 90% were people I could see being friends with. Once Frank and I had each other's information, we talked right away and made arrangements to meet. We could not make arrangements until the next week...but for the first time in I can't remember how long, I was really looking forward to my date with him. By our third meeting, we both knew there was something really special there. We both had been dating and both had been looking for that indescribable thing that we thought still existed but weren't sure if we would ever find. It didn't take us long to realize we had found that in each other. We have been together for a little over a year and a half and are currently engaged to be married. We both often say to each other how lucky we feel to have found each other. I am so glad my friend convinced me to go that day...for I met the most wonderful man and will be forever grateful.
Joy in Gainesville (FL)
I would never have met a guy like Ed without your help.
I met Ed at my first Pre-Dating session. We both picked friends and we talked on the phone. He has a bunch of motorcycles and was going to take me on a ride. But we both are really busy. I also turned him down one night to go out with another guy I had met at the Pre-Dating event, who actually turned out to be his friend. Then we got hit with the 4 hurricanes, and it was not a great time to go on a motorcycle ride. So we lost touch. I then went to another Pre-Dating session, which are a lot of fun by the way, and as I was about to leave when Ed walked in. He was going to participate in the next Pre-Dating session for an older age group. He asked me to take a ride and I said yes. On our first date he picked me up and I was dressed for a nice afternoon spin. He suggested going to Daytona, and I said, "ok." Well, we ended up staying the night there, and we had our first kiss the next day on the beach. About a month later and a bunch of dates with him being Mr. persistent, I had a week off which was open. My original plans had fallen through. Ed was going up to North Carolina and I asked him if I could come. We had the most awesome time. We drove all over North Carolina, Tennessee and a few other states. We never stayed in one place for more then one night, and we pulled the Harley off the truck and went riding about once a day. 7 months later I am really crazy about him and he is the same about me. We are going to Scotland together in June and spending as much time together as possible. Thanks Pre-Dating.
Kristina & Justin, Now Married (MI)
Thank you so much for changing my life!
Justin and I met on 2/20/2013. Our one year anniversary is approaching and I wanted to let you know that we have enjoyed such a fun 12 months together, all because of Speed Dating. We met at an event held in Ann Arbor. I called in sick to work to attend the event, and he reluctantly went after his sister purchased a ticket for him. I remember when he sat at my table. He didn't seem anxious, he was extroverted and very funny. He didn't compare me to an actress on The Office or spend the entire 7 minutes discussing creatures that live in the ocean like others did. At the end of the event, I had actually become friends with the woman on the left and right of me (they happened to be best friends) and after afterward, I invited them to dinner. Justin was standing off to the side and I asked him to come to dinner with us and he was very happy to do so. That is totally breaking the rules, isn't it? The four of us arrive at a local restaurant and Justin sits next to me. We realize both women are a bit intoxicated and while one cried, the other discussed fungus. Justin and I had the best time with them with many opportunities to laugh! He bought my dinner and drove me to my car afterward. He asked what an appropriate amount of time was to wait to call me and I giggled at the unspoken rules of dating being discussed. The following day, we got out emails. In the past year, we have enjoyed birthdays, holidays, skiing, hockey games, concerts, costume parties, getting to know each other and getting to know our families Thank you so much for changing my life, Kristina in Ann Arbor
Wendy in Dallas (TX)
Tom and I would not have met had it not been for a Pre-Dating event
On September 3, 2005, Tom and I were married at Mohonk Mountain House in New York state's beautiful Hudson Valley. Tom and I would not have met had it not been for a Pre-Dating event we both attended in April, 2003 in Dallas, Texas. Fate must have intervened that day, since I was wait listed to attend that event. That afternoon, I received an email from Pre-Dating notifying me that there was an opening for two women at that evening's event. While I had a riding lesson scheduled that evening, the scheduled 8:30 start time allowed me to attend both my lesson and the Pre-Dating event. Fortunately, the schedule didn't allow time for dinner. Tom arrived at my table with potato skins and asked it I would like one. Since I was starving I took him up on the offer, and the rest is history! Tom says I married him because he feeds me (he loves to cook), and while that isn't the primary reason, his good cooking certainly didn't hurt!
Rich and Lisa, St. Louis (MO)
At the end of the evening, we both circled YES and the rest, as they say, is history.
I would love to share my Pre-Dating experience with you - and the world! I had been using a couple of internet dating services and had absolutely no success. A friend of mine wanted to try 6 minute dating. Since your events fill up so fast, I was able to sign up but it was full when she tried. I decided to try it anyway - by myself!. So on March 8, I attended one of your events held at LLwelyn's in St. Louis, Missouri, and met Rich (a/k/a the Man of my Dreams). I must admit I was a nervous wreck since it was my first time, but once the session started I relaxed and enjoyed myself. When Rich sat down at my table and we started talking, it was like magic. Everything after that was just a blur. At the end of the evening, we both circled YES and the rest, as they say, is history. Since our first date, we have been virtually inseparable. I would recommend Pre-Dating to anyone!
Amy and John, Atlanta (GA)
We never would have met without Pre-Dating
I had always been disappointed by internet dating and match-making services. People were often very different than they portrayed themselves in profiles. A friend dragged me unwillingly to my first Pre-Dating event in Atlanta in October. Zak was the last person I met that evening. We tried to organize a date, but both of us travel a lot, so we communicated by email, but didn't actually go out until January. He had a dozen white roses for me when he picked me up. We lingered over dinner until everyone else had left the restaurant and the staff were lined up waiting for us to leave. Unfortunately, I was sent overseas 5 days later for work, and we again only had email. Finally, we had our second date on April 1st, 6 months after our first meeting and 4 months after our first date. We have been together ever since. We were engaged on the 4th of July looking out at the ocean under a sky filled with fireworks. We never would have met without Pre-Dating, and the fact that we had that initial face-to-face meeting made it possible to remember that chemistry through all that time. We tell all our single friends to try it. It works.
Crystal and Jimmy, Tampa (FL)
We tell everyone we know that is single to give Pre-Dating a shot!
Hi, I am writing to tell you of our success story with Pre-Dating. Jimmy and I met at a Pre-Date event at Jimmy Mac's Restaurant in Tampa in January. He stood out immediately because he was wearing a purple long-sleeve polo. As we began our six minutes, conversation seemed to come easily for us. When the bell rang, it seemed as if the time had flown. We laughed the entire time! He told me (later) that he liked the fact that I had prepared questions to ask and that they were unique. When time ended, I wanted to continue our conversation and silently hoped we would be a match. I hoped he felt the same. A couple of days after the event, I received an email from Jimmy. I was really thrilled to learn we matched! After exchanging a few emails, we finally spoke on the phone. After the initial call, our subsequent phone calls began to last from a half hour to hours at a time! We went to Busch Gardens and to dinner for our first date and had an incredible time! During the first few weeks, he also went out with another gal he matched with at the same Pre-Date event I attended. After going out with Jimmy several times and many phone conversations, I decided to "kick it up" a notch. I planned a surprise mystery date for him one Saturday. I planned it so that he would not know if I or the other gal was planning the date. I had a friend email him the first clue and initial details about the "surprise mystery date." From there he went to three other places I had already left another clue and item for him to pick up at each place. Then at the last place he brought all three items that we would need for the date (wine, flowers, and loaf of bread) and found me waiting for him with a homemade dinner. He figured it was me before the day of the date, but nonetheless decided to not go out with the other gal again. He says to this day that it was the mystery date that won him over! We continued dating and in the summer took a weeklong trip to his hometown. I met his family and friends and learned so much more about him! The week after we returned he secretly asked my parents for their blessing to ask me to marry him. Unbeknownst to me, he had asked his own family the same question while we were visiting them the week before. Both families blessed him and he then asked me to be his wife. And of course I said yes! We have so much fun together! We are very different in some ways, but alike in the ways that really matter (values, morals, etc.) We are both in our 30's and have been set in our ways for years, but have learned the careful art of compromise! He is very supportive, caring, patient, loving and is a great partner! I am grateful for my experience with Pre-Dating and hope that others not into the bar scene or other like venues give it a shot! We tell everyone we know that is single to give Pre-Dating a shot! Not only can you meet a potential mate, it's fun to meet different people! Jimmy and I were married March 19, 2005 (a little over a year after we met) and spent the first ten days of our married life in Maui! Life doesn't get any better than that! We are looking forward to seeing what our future holds!
Linda and Austin, Rockville, MD (DC Metro), getting married in the Spring!!
Asians only Pre-Dating event — I actually met the proverbial “nice single Chinese boy”
Almost exactly 1 year ago, I attended your Asians only special interest Pre-Dating event in Rockville, Maryland (DC Metro). The timing of one of your first ever event with an Asian theme was perfect in that it coincided with my decision to get myself out into the Asian dating scene. What other venue would offer me the chance to meet with so many eligible interested Washington DC Singles?I attended that evening's event with equal parts fear, dread and morbid curiosity as to whether or not I'd actually meet the proverbial "nice single Chinese boy"? As I left the office that day, I casually remarked to my friends and family "I'm off to meet the man that I'm going to marry tonight. Wish me luck!" Roughly an hour later, I had the opportunity to meet with nine "nice Asian boys." Of all of the nice guys though, only one of those were listed as a "match." Bachelor #9, peaked my curiosity enough to list him as a match. The day after the event, I received notification that Austin and I were a "match." Very soon after that event, Austin and I fell into step with each other. Our personalities just seemed to complement each other and things fell into place. I could not believe that I had actually found someone that genuinely enjoys my off kilter sense of humor and has the ability to make me laugh just as hard in turn. I could not believe that I had actually met someone that I could truly consider a partner in life. Pre-Dating enabled me the opportunity to meet that elusive nice Chinese boy and now, he is in fact, going to be the man that I marry. Exactly one year from the date we met, Austin proposed to me. We plan to get married in the Spring!!
Tammy and Bob, Washington DC
I remember thinking, “what type of people go to these things?”
Feeling reluctant to attend, I registered for the event, and then got cold feet and canceled. After rethinking my decision, I told myself to just "go ahead and give it a try," "what the heck," and re-registered for the same event. Luckily, I re-registered in time, and there was still a space available for me to attend the event on a Wednesday evening. As I arrived for the event, I was fighting the butterflies in my stomach, as I noticed other eager faces awaiting the beginning of the pre-dates. I remember thinking, "what type of people go to these things?" Before the event began, I chatted with a few people who were sipping cocktails and mingling in the foyer area. I met "Bob" before the event began and we chatted briefly. After the event began, I was looking forward to Bob coming around to my table. When he did, I felt especially comfortable with him because we had already chatted before the event began. I was immediately interested in him, as we discussed our interests, hobbies, and careers during our six-minute pre-date. As he was about to leave my table, I quickly checked "yes" for him, and was hoping he did the same. As I left the event, I was hoping that Bob and I were a "match." While I met many interesting men at the event, Bob was my number one choice! The next day, I awaited the email from Pre-Dating to inform me of any matches. I was very pleased to see that Bob was on my list as a match! That same evening, he called to ask me for a date Friday night. For our first date, we met at a restaurant where we had drinks, dinner, and great conversation outdoors by the water. I had a wonderful time and couldn't wait to see him again. As we departed, he gave me an affectionate hug, and said that he would call me. He called two days later and asked me out for the following Friday. After our second date, we continued to go out every week, and before long we were seeing each other very frequently. Bob and I immediately clicked on many levels. It was so refreshing to be with somebody who was real and genuine, and had the many qualities and traits that I had been searching for. Bob and I have been together now for six months. For our six-month anniversary, he took me to dinner at the place where we had met (where the Pre-Dating event had been held). I never expected to meet someone as wonderful as Bob at a Pre-Dating event. He is indeed a perfect match for me. We share similar interests, great conversation, and just enjoy spending quality time together. I highly recommend your Pre-Dating events to anybody who is looking for someone special. I did find someone special, thanks to you, and hope that others will be as fortunate.
Peta, Chicago, IL
we are a “success story” for Pre-Dating
A few days ago, my doorbell rang-a rather uncommon occurrence (my friends just walk right in!). I was annoyed at being interrupted since I was not expecting anyone. I was quite taken by surprise as a man thrust a huge bouquet of stunning roses in my face and barked my name. I was too stunned to really understand his question, but did manage to nod assent..... What I held in my hands was a breathtaking arrangement of a dozen perfect roses. The delivery took me by surprise, but I had no doubt of whom these gorgeous flowers were from. The date was September 23-six months from the day I had attended a Pre-Dating event in Chicago. Of course they were from John, one of the men I met that evening, to celebrate six wonderful months of dating. Why Pre-Dating? After several cancellations of singles events I had registered for, I was pretty fed up. So I cast a search for other opportunities to find a date. I came across Pre-Dating at the last minute, and put myself on the Waiting List (yeah-right...). At the 11th hour, Helen called me to see if I was still available. She was waiting on a final gentleman to register and would have a spot for me if he did. The location appealed - if nothing else, I would experience an interesting new dining spot. In a rare impulsive moment, I signed on. Shortly after arriving, I was impressed by the restaurant and the (relatively) great organization of the event. That evening I had a chance to talk to several interesting gentlemen. One man that caught my eye was John, we were both single parents and lived in nearby northern suburbs. Happily, he was one of my matches. I was very happy to hear from him just a few days later. We agreed to meet for brunch a few days later and had a great time. (We are still unsure if a brunch can be properly considered a 1st date??) Dinner and a movie followed, then dinner and swing dancing...then dinner and a show. I found myself eagerly awaiting John's daily 6am (yes-6 am!!) emails. Talking to him seemed easy & natural. As we continued to get to know each other though, I detected some hesitancy. Finally, John revealed that he had made a date a while back with another woman he matched with, but he was unsure if he should keep the date. Of course any woman with any self-respect would say "do whatever you feel is right"...yet I realized how profoundly unhappy it made me feel to think of John going on a date with someone else! That other date never happened......After a few weeks, it was clear that this was an exclusive relationship. Since we had both been in long term marriages that ended, caution was the word of the day. Between us, we have 4 children aged 4 through 12, two with special needs. However, when John mentioned an upcoming vacation, I had no hesitation suggesting we spend a week vacationing together in the Caribbean in late June. Although there were few tense moments, John became PADI-scuba certified that week, and I enjoyed the most wonderful vacation I could remember. In September, I accompanied John on a business trip to NY where I grew up. Again, we had an unbelievably wonderful trip. We have been reluctant to let you know about this success story.... as we do not know the "end" of the story! For the past six months, we have been increasingly comfortable and happy together, so at this point, regardless of the final outcome, I think we are a "success story" for Pre-Dating. What does our future hold? Who can say? These past six months have been a wonderful journey for us both. Many thanks to Pre-Dating for providing the chance for us to meet.
Ariel, San Francisco (CA)
After my first date with Suzanne, I simply wasn’t interested in going out with anyone else.
I would love to share the story of how Suzanne and I met... The first time I saw Suzanne, she was standing with another woman in the bar where the Pre-Dating event was held. As I walked up to them before the event started, I thought, "Hey, may as well talk with these two cute women since that's what we're here for!" So many of the other guys seemed to be standing in a corner together watching a baseball game. Don't get me wrong, it was in important game, but that's not what we were there for! As I talked with these two women, my attention started to focus more on Suzanne. We were just making small talk when the bell rang and we were supposed to go in for the official Pre-Dating portion of the evening. "Here we go," I said as we walked towards the fifteen tables we'd sit at for the next 90 minutes. "Good luck!" The entire evening was an exciting blur of rushed conversations. Finally at the end of the evening I came to my last table. I was exhausted. Tired of carrying my jacket around. Tired of carrying an empty beer glass around (leaving it at the table of someone I was trying to impress never seemed like a good option). And to top it all I had to use the bathroom so I had this wonderful sense of urgency layered on top of my best efforts to play it cool and calm. When I saw who was sitting at my last table, a palpable sense of relief washed over me. I discovered that we had already developed a sense of rapport that made conversation with her so much easier than with anyone else. Her table was in a corner so my back was facing the rest of the room. This made it easy to talk to her without any distractions. It turned out she felt the same way I did and we both said things like, "Oh it's YOU! Phew, glad it's you again." We continued to sit together even after the last bell rang, making more small talk as we filled out our cards. "Well," I said, "I should probably move over so that you can have some privacy while you fill out your card." "No," she responded, "That's okay, I don't mind. I've already filled my card out." A few moments passed before she looked up and saw me reading over the instructions on my card for the first time (hint to future Pre-Daters: Read the instructions first!! You'll be glad you did!). "Oh," she said. "Maybe I should give you some privacy, too," and she started to move as if to get up. "No, no," I put out my hand towards her, "That's alright. I've already made up my mind about YOU." I smiled through squinted eyes that I hoped were screaming "I'M INTERESTED IN YOU!! PLEASE MARK "YES" TO ME ON YOUR CARD!!" We weren't supposed to indicate to each other that we were interested or not interested at that point, so we continued to joke and talk about the experience for a few more minutes. When I finally looked back at the rest of the bar, I noticed that the bar was quickly emptying and I decided I should probably let her go. If it were up to me I would have stayed talking with her for the rest of the night! But as it were I had to wait until the following Sunday to see each her again. I felt incredibly lucky that she took an interest in me and said "yes" to me on her card. Even though I had several dates lined up for the next two weeks, I never ended up going out with a single other woman I met that night. After my first date with Suzanne, I simply wasn't interested in going out with anyone else. Looking back on it, it's not really any surprise that I feel this way. We had phenomenal dates, the kind you only see in movies. Our first date alone we walked around near the Palace of Fine Arts, ate sandwiches, explored the ruins of Sutro Mansion, and I got a chance to reminisce about growing up in the neighborhood we were walking in. We had great views of the ocean, sunshine, then stunning clouds, and then it looked like rain. We saw lightning and heard thunder and then it started to hail. Very rare for San Francisco! It only seems to hail every couple of years in San Francisco, and we watched this hail storm approach us from out over the ocean before engulfing us in a loud display of little white balls of ice pummeling the trail around us. We huddled under a tree overlooking the ocean and the Golden Gate, and she looked up into my eyes and asked me why I had to be so tall... that's when I knew she really liked me. I won't say anything more about the hailstorm except that it really did feel like we were in the movies. We hung out the rest of the day in our damp clothes, visiting the Exploratorium and realizing that we shared many common interests, including a similar curiosity and appreciation for science. I also discovered that she'd been backpacking before and loves the outdoors just like I do. We've been together now for about four months and we're still going strong. I've never felt this way about anyone before. It's no secret that to me the possibilities with Suzanne seem endless.
Gina and Stephen, South Florida (Miami)
My advice to all the fabulous single women out there…
I attended a Pre-Dating gathering in Miami (age group 35-45) in search of a connection. As a single, 31 year old professional in search of both intellectual and physical stimulation in a city where the median age is 23, finding a mature, responsible, kind, value driven partner was difficult. After much consultation with a co-worker, I decided to take action and to venture to the Pre-Dating event. I figured at minimum I would enjoy the experience of "interviewing" 12 prospects. Six minutes seems short but truly is enough time to decipher whether or not your spirit and intuition tells you would like more than 6 minutes with this person. After about 36 minutes, and 6 prospects later, my goal was achieved and I had found a connection with a blue eyed, physically fit, attractive 40 year old who within 6 minutes caught my attention, interest and curiosity. That evening I selected him and no other candidate, that is how strong my attraction was to him. It is now 6 weeks later and we are a couple in early stages of exploration, relationship building and bonding. Our connection is spiritual and the words truly can't describe how two people completely opposite in many ways can meet over a 6 minute encounter and then decide proactively to spend every weekend together. We are truly excited about our potential future together and are extremely grateful for taking the 6 minute risk. The irony of our connection is we would have never met if we did not take the proactive route to place ourselves in an environment of choice. Clubs, bars, bookstores are all over-rated environments for women to truly encounter high-potential prospects. My advice to all the fabulous single women out there who work hard and succeed in heir professional lives but maybe are challenged in their romantic life is to give Pre-Dating a shot. The experience is rewarding, great for the ego and more importantly it will foster optimism that there are sensitive, kind, attractive single men in the world over 30 who want more than just "you know what." Thanks again!
Marlene and Tracey, South Florida (Miami)
It was instant fireworks for us when we met.
We have a story to tell you. It is a tale of two people who are much alike yet different. Two people who fell in love and are now making the effort to make it last in this world of many but also in this world of two; us two. Hi, we are Marlene and Tracey. We met on May 29th at one of your events in South Beach, Miami. It was instant fireworks for us when we met. We clicked immediately and realized we were at the right place at the right time. We both had gone there without expectations and left thinking we had many. I had only gone because my friends cajoled me into it. But the truth was that I was preoccupied because I was leaving for New York on business early the next day. Tracey almost did not go either because he had suddenly become very busy at work. When we found out we had matched, we were both very happy. We both matched with other people as well. Tracey even matched with a friend of mine who was also there. And my friend and me matched with another person. So, here I am in NY and I begin emailing with Tracey. I talked to one of my other matches and found out that I was only thinking of Tracey, so I decided to not pursue it further. I eventually emailed with my other matches and also decided to not pursue those either, as again I could only think of Tracey. Tracey talked to one of his other matches and never emailed the other. And so it was that we continued emailing and slowly liking each other, what we said, and slowly desiring to be together. I returned to Miami the following Monday and we had our first date that week. I was very happy, he was very nervous. We went to an Italian restaurant in the Gables. We both knew that we wanted to see each other as much as possible, which has been the case. We have a tremendous attraction for each other which is so intoxicating, it makes us forget about time. We have a tremendous admiration for each other which is so intoxicating, it makes us forget about other people. This the basis of our relationship and well only time will tell about the rest.... but we are so very hopeful.

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